Monday, November 12, 2007

Sorry, I forgot my wallet.

Last Tuesday, I went for my Mandarin class and took the tram to Central. At the Landmark stop, one guy in a business suit got off the tram without paying. Well, he did tap his Octopus card but the value is negative already so no amount can be deducted. The motorman did not shout after the guy to get him to pay and just turned his head left and right. At least to me it did not look like the guy did not pay intentionally.

On my way home, a nice, simple and young lady is sitting across me dressed in a very lady like office wear. I noticed she has a very nice Tod's leather orange bag. She even checked her blackberry phone as well as a Prada mobile phone. She got off at my stop however she did not take out her Octopus card or her wallet. She had this conversation with the motorman in Cantonese:

Lady: Sorry, I forgot my wallet.
Motorman: What?
Lady: Sorry, I forgot to bring my wallet. (She then got off the tram.)

No word or reaction from the motorman though. I guess he is used to this kind of situation. Now I have a few questions in mind: how did the lady went to work that morning? Someone picked her up that morning? She did not have lunch? There was no need for her to spend even a few dollars until her way home? Or was she just going to work at 8:45 pm? This situation made me think I should have two wallets otherwise I would not know what to do if I left or lost my wallet. Would anyone travel an hour to spare me some money? Aaaaahhh! I hope I will never be in that situation!

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